10 million reasons to be optimistic for 2018
For our final blog of 2017, we wanted to share some examples of organisations and initiatives which we have been inspired by this year....

Soil: the secret weapon in fighting climate change - a consequential review
In light of World Soil Day and the decision at COP23 to advance efforts on a global scale for soil carbon and fertility, we have decided...

Context matters: Reporting against planetary boundaries and social thresholds
Imagine different organisations climbing a mountain on a cloudy day. Some are further ahead, some are further behind, but most are making...

Think renewable: The case for targeted action on energy and transport
The environmental and social case for action on climate change is well established. If we do not drastically reduce our GHG emissions and...

Voice and voiceless: which of your stakeholders do you hear?
What is voice? Is it another word we all use, but with different meanings? Is it something which we understand on a personal level but...

Social boundaries: What do they mean at the scale of organisational performance?
We are rapidly approaching the limits of our Earth's environment carrying capacities - rivers are running dry, greenhouse gas emissions...

Deep decarbonisation: industry pathways to achieving the 2°C goal
There is a need for radical decarbonisation... However this challenge is compounded not only with the reality that over the next two...

How can we put a value on nature?
Central to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the principles of ending poverty, while safeguarding Earth's life...

A price for carbon?
The World Bank has long held the view that putting a “price on carbon” is, and would be, the most efficient and cost-effective means of...

The three surprising micro-engines at the heart of our ecosystems
'Enjoy the little things in life because one day you`ll look back and realize they were the big things' Kurt Vonnegut All life, no matter...